Friday, June 27, 2008


I have finished more than 100 puzzles in the last couple of years. I like doing puzzles because they are fun. Puzzles are easy and hard but I like the hard ones better. My dad made a puzzle of me and the turtles.

I have done little puzzles and big puzzles, some with 2000 pieces. Nobody helps me do the puzzles. My favorite puzzle that I have done has dolphins and mermaids.

(Photos: In the top photo is the puzzle that my dad made of me. In the next photo is my favorite puzzle of dolphins and mermaids and the bottom photo is puzzles that I have recently done.)

The hard puzzles take me about three weeks to finish and the easy ones take one day. I hate it when I lose puzzle pieces. It takes me a long time to find them. Sometimes I buy a puzzle that has two of the same pieces.

Sometimes I mix the pieces of more than one puzzle together just to make it harder. My mom thinks I am crazy for doing that.

When I finish a puzzle I put puzzle glue on it and after the glue dries I hang the puzzles on my bedroom wall.


Fish has Legs said...

Whoa, this is way cool!!! Does your dad sell those puzzles that he makes? I want to buy one!!! I never seen customized puzzles before.

Goodie luckie to you tomorrow as you do the fun run. I hope this will be the first of many for you. I'm totally excited and will be cheering you on!!! Have fun!!!


Debbie said...

HI Rebecca, If you get a chance go to my blog a see the picture I posted of you. I tried to send it to your blog but I couldn't quite figure it out. Love you and hope you have alot of fun tomorrow.

Jay & Amy said...

WOW! I'm amazed that you can do puzzles like that. I'm not very good a putting together big ones:) I don't have the patience.